I've managed to finish watching 13 episodes of Glee last week! Quite an achievement...
I gotta say that it's really great to have a different kind of genre for a weekly TV show, especially since I simply got bored from trying to follow Ugly Betty. Glee is the reason why I'm always home early on Wednesday night. I'll even gladly skip the gym for it. Last week I've got the complete 13 episodes of Glee in DVDs.. so yeaaaayyy!!
My favorite scene is (other than all the vocal adrenaline numbers) gotta be Beyonce's Single Ladies. Kurt and the football team danced to the song a few times in the 4th episode. I laughed so hard the first time I watched it. Until now, that scene always manage to put a smile of my face.. hehehe...
I also love watching how the characters are dressed. On of my favorite is Emma Pillsbury, the guidance teacher with obsessive-compulsive disorder related to germs. Her style can be defined as fashionably clean and granny like, but I really don't mind having her wardrobe and wearing them to work. But then, I don't think any real life teachers can afford her wardrobe. Plus I don't really think I'd bother spending too much time blow drying my hair in the morning to look that perfect. I love her red hair tho... ;) I've even found a web blog dedicated to
From watching all 13 episodes, I gotta say that most of the characters are loveable and memorable. I love watching all the singing and performance. Some of the songs rearranged for Glee sounds even sounds better than the original version. Take
Rehab (by Amy Winehouse), which unfortunately not in the soundtrack. The Glee cast version sounds easier and more listenable than Amy's (btw, I also love Amy Winehouse, it's just I prefer the more upbeat version of Glee's). I've bought the volume 1 CD and love most of the songs. I'm still thinking whether I should buy the 2nd volume since the review on it is not as great.
Here are some of my favorites from the 1st CD and my take on the songs:
Track 01.
Don't Stop Believin' - a really upbeat and powerful song. This is one of the song that got me hooked
Track 04.
Take a Bow - one of Lea Michele's best track in the album
Track 06.
Taking Chances - I love this song, but it sounds awfully similar to Take a Bow
Track 09.
Hate On Me - Mercedes (Amber Riley) really aced this song. Her voice is simply amazing!

Track 12.
You Keep Me Hangin' On - this is one of the rare chance that you get to hear Quinn sings... and I actually quite like her voice...
Track 15.
Sweet Caroline - It wasn't my favorite song until I watched the episode and saw Puck (Mark Salling) crooning the song so he can hook up with Rachel. Hmm... He's sooo sexy...
Track 17.
Defying Grafity - I never hear this song before, but the duet between Kurt (Chris Colfer) and Rachel (Lea Michele) is amazing. I never knew guys can sing such a high note.... geeeezzz....
All good things aside, I do find that the show is criticized by some...
It is easy to see his point, if you look at the specifics. In his view, Glee portrays Christians as phonies and hypocrites. He observed that the only self-identified Christian is the shiny blond Quinn, cheerleading president of the celibacy club, who is pregnant by one classmate but pretending the father is another. [...] Meanwhile, the glee-club director, Mr. Schuester, is unhappily married to a perky little spider, which makes the adultery subplot involving him look positively charitable. The students lie, they cheat, they steal, they lust, they lace the bake-sale cupcakes with pot in order to give the student body a severe case of the munchies. Nearly all the Ten Commandments get violated at one point or another, while the audience is invited to laugh at people's pain and folly and humiliation. Nancy Gibbs, Time (from Wikipedia)
My personal view is that Glee is just TV series, a mere entertainment. Our view on what's good, what's morally right should not be based on TV series. Parents with young adult children should be the one responsible for ensuring that their children understand what's good and right. I always try to look for the positive in everything, and for me Glee sends a message that popularity is not more important than accepting yourself.
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